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Paul Samuel Greenman PhD


-Le développement social et les relations interpersonnelles

-La psychothérapie individuelle, de couple et de groupe avec spécialisation en traitements centrés sur l'émotion

-La psychologie clinique de la santé 


B.A. (1998) en Germanistique (Boston College)

B.A. (1998) en psychologie (Boston College)

Ph.D. (2005) en psychologie cinique (Université d'Ottawa) 


PSY1773-La Psychologie humaniste 


Barriault, S., Jbilou, J., Charbonneau, A., Greenman, P.S., Grenier, J., & Chomienne, M. (2023). Relationship satisfaction and psychological wellbeing in men having participated in the MindTheHeart psychoeducation intervention after an acute coronary syndrome. Health Psychology Open, 10(1). doi: 10.1177/20551029231179165

Bouchard, K., Gareau, A., Gallant, N.L., Lalande, K., Greenman, P.S., Sztajerowksa, K., Tulloch, H. (2021). Dyadic effects of anxiety and depression on quality of life among couples facing cardiovascular disease. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 149. Advance online publication:

Bouchard, K., Gareau, A., McKee, K., Lalande, K., Greenman, P. S., & Tulloch, H. (2021). Dyadic patterns of mental health and quality of life change in partners and patients during three months of cardiac rehabilitation. Journal of Family Psychology. Advance online publication:

Bouchard, K., Gareau, A., Greenman, P. S., Lalande, K., Sztajerowska, K., & Tulloch, H. (2023). What’s love got to do with it? Relationship quality appraisals and quality of life in couples facing cardiovascular disease. Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine, 1, 2237564.

Bouchard, K., Greenman, P.S., Pipe, A., Johnson, S., & Tulloch, H. (2019). Reducing caregiver distress And cardiovascular risk: A focus on caregiver-patient relationship quality. Canadian Journal of Cardiology, 35, 1409-1411

Bruyninx, G., Grenier, J., Greenman, P.S., Tassé, V., Abdulnour, J., Chomienne, M.-H. (2020). Prevalence of symptoms of anxiety disorders and depression in cardiac rehabilitation patients in an academic hospital: A case study. Psychiatric Quarterly (publication avancée en ligne), 10.1007/s11126-020-09791-w

Di Trani, M., Di Monte, C., Renzi, A., Greenman, P.S., Barbieri, F. Beaudoin, V., & Solano, L. (2020). At pilot study on couple relationships and cardiac disease: The role of alexithymia and attachment in the course of myocardial infarction. Psychology Hub, 37, 29-36.

Greenman, P.S., Campbell, T.L., & Allan, R. (2024). Attachment, emotion, and change: Emotionally focused individual therapy (EFIT) within a process-based therapy (PBT) framework. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 32, 100768.

Greenman, P.S., & Johnson, S.M. (2022). Emotionally focused therapy: Attachment, connection, and health. Current Opinion in Psychology, 43, 146-150. 

Greenman, P.S., Renzi, A., Monaco, S., Luciani, F., & Di Trani, M. (2024). How does trauma make you sick? The role of attachment in explaining somatic symptoms of survivors of childhood trauma. Healthcare, 12, 203. 

Heenan, A., Greenman, P.S., Tassé, V., Zachariades, F., & Tulloch, H. (2020). Traumatic stress, attachment style, and health outcomes in cardiac rehabilitation patients. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, Article 75. 

Jbilou, J., Grenier, J., Chomienne, M., Talbot, F., Tulloch, H., D’Antono, B., & Greenman, P.S. (2019). Understanding men’s psychological reactions and experience following a cardiac event: A qualitative study from the MindTheHeart project. British Medical Journal (BMJ) Open, 9, e029560

Jbilou, J., Lesvesque, N., Sonier, R., Tully, P.J., Pinette-Drapeau, I., Sonier, V., Charbonneau, A., Greenman,P.S., Grenier, J., & Chomienne, M. (2021). Canadian French translation and primary validation of the Conformity to Masculine Norms Inventory: A pilot study. American Journal of Men’s Health, 15(6).

Laflamme, S.Z., Bouchard, K., Sztajerowska, K. Lalande, K., Greenman, P.S., & Tulloch, H. (2022). Attachment insecurities, caregiver burden and psychological distress among partners of patients with heart disease. PLoS ONE, E 17(9): e0269366.

Lalande, K., Greenman, P.S., Bouchard, K., Johnson, S., & Tulloch, H. (2021). The Healing Hearts Together randomized controlled trial and the COVID-19 pandemic: A tutorial for navigating the transition from an in-person to a web-based intervention. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23(4): e25502

Lamarche, J., Grenier, J., Lafontaine, M-F., Greenman, P.S., Gosselin, J., Joanisse, M., Chomienne, M-H., Maheu, C., & Lebel, S. (2019). Première étape dans l’utilisation de la thérapie par videoconference auprès de survivants du cancer vivant en contexte linguistique minoritaire: Une étude pilote. Psycho-Oncologie, 13(3–4), 183–190. .3166/pson-2019-0106 

Lonargan, M., Lafontaine, M., Gosselin, D., Guérin, E., Gosselin, J., Joanisse, M., Greenman, P., Chomienne, M., & Grenier, J. (2021). Videoconferencing Psychotherapy for Insomnia in Adults Francophones in a minority situation: A single-case experimental protocol with repeated measures. Science and Behavior, 31, 35-47. 

Morin-Turmel, A., Greenman, P.S., Bélanger, C., & Lafontaine, M. (2020). Efficacité de la thérapie de couple axée sur l’émotion: Recension des écrits scientifiques et analyse critique. Revue québécoise de psychologie, 41, 245-257. 

Morin-Turmel, A., Greenman, P.S., & Bélanger, C. (2021). Interventions impliquant le partenaire amoureux au sein de la réadaptation cardiaque : Recension des écrits scientifiques et analyse critique. Science et comportement, 31, 49-62. 

Rodriguez-González, M., Schweer-Collins, M., Greenman, P.S., Lafontaine, M., Fatás, M., & Sandberg, J.G. (2019). Short-term and long-term effects of training in EFT: A multi-national study in Spanish-speaking countries. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, publication préalable en ligne. 

Tulloch, H., Bouchard, K., Clyde, M.J., Madrazo, L., Demidenko, N., Johnson, S., & Greenman, P.S. (2020). Learning a new way of living together: A qualitative study exploring the relationship changes and intervention needs of patients with cardiovascular disease and their partners. BMJ Open, 10:e032948.

Tulloch, H., Johnson, S., Demidenko, N., Clyde, M., Bouchard, K., & Greenman, P.S. (2021). An attachment-based intervention for patients with cardiovascular disease and their partners: A proof-of-concept study. Health Psychology,  ( 

Tulloch, H.E., & Greenman, P.S. (2018). In sickness and in health: Relationship quality and cardiovascular risk management. Current opinion in cardiology, 33, 521-528.

Wong, T.-Y., Greenman, P.S., & Beaudoin, V. (2018). “Hold Me Tight”: The Generalizability of an         attachment-based group intervention to Chinese-Canadian couples. Journal of Couple and     Relationship Therapy, 17, 42-60. 



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Institut du Savoir Montfort 

Société canadienne de psychologie

Régistre canadien des psychologues offrant des services de santé

L'Ordre des psychologues du Québec

L'Ordre des psychologues de l'Ontario 

Professeur auxiliaire-École de psychologie, Université d'Ottawa

Professeur auxiliaire-École de psychologie de la santé, Università di Roma-La Sapienza